Pilgrimage and Encampment


March 8th – 10th, 2024

Fort Washington State Park at Militia Hill

Arrival at the Encampment begins at 6:00 pm on March 8th with all units expected to depart before 11:00 AM on March 10th. 

This annual event that honors the sacrifice of George Washington and the Continental Army, is the longest-running, continuous Scouting event in the world!

Before wintering at Valley Forge the Continental Army attacked the British troops in what is now the Germantown and Mount Airy sections of Philadelphia. This action, “The Battle of Germantown played an important role in the outcome of the Revolutionary War. Although the British won the battle, the Continental Army had finally gone on the offensive and attacked the British. This gave the soldiers and the patriots a renewed confidence that they could win the war.” 

After the battle the Continental Troops retreated into the countryside including setting up defenses and an encampment in the Militia Hill (Whitemarsh and surrounding Philadelphia suburbs) area. Cannons were set up on high ground in the area including Militia Hill where the Encampment will be held. Under the protection of cannon troops could have camped on the same land where the Pilgrimage will be held at Fort Washington State Park.

This new location is historically significant as the troops marched along routes from there to the third winter encampment at Valley Forge where Continental Militias trained to become the army that won the American Revolution. We are excited to bring the P&E to Fort Washington State Park and honor General Washington and his troops.

Encampment Weekend includes the Pilgrimage

Troops, Crews, Units/Posts, and Ships are invited to join us for a winter camping weekend to experience the hardships faced by the Continental Army in the winter of 1777-1778.

The Encampment is limited to 250 attendees giving you the opportunity to camp where a canon battery is believed to have been set up. This cold weather camping allows you to relive a small portion of what the revolutionary soldiers and their followers lived through.

Pilgrimage(Day Event)

March 9th, 2024

Fort Washington State Park at Militia Hill

Arrival after 8:00 am on Saturday March 9th with the program running from 9:00am until 4:00 pm including a break for you to eat the lunch you need to bring with you.

All Scouts(Scouts BSA, Cub Scouts, Webelos, Ventures, and Sea Scouts) are invited to join us to participate in hands-on activities during the day that help connect Scouts with life in the 1700’s and what it was like to be a Continental soldier during the fight for independence. Unlike in years past, program areas will run 90 minutes giving Scouts the opportunity to have a direct interactive experience.  Expected program areas to include (actual program areas may be different):

●Revolutionary War First aid and surgery
● Cooking
● Camp set-up and operations
● Skirmishing and black powder demonstration
● Marching and military bearing
● Tracking
● Revolutionary War History
● Camp Followers
● Native Americans in the revolution
● Cavalry operations
● Museum of the American Revolution activity
● Revolutionary War Escape Room
● Music of the Revolutionary War
● Revolutionary War Game Show

The council staff will be working remotely and, as always, you can reach out the to helpdesk@colbsa.org.

Please stay safe!

Due to inclement weather, the Firestone Scouting Resource Center and Valley Forge Scout Shop will be closed on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.