Sea Scouts

Sea Scouts

Advancement is an important part of the Sea Scout experience. These experiences help Sea Scouts to set realistic goals to achieve rank, accomplish projects, and gain knowledge and understanding of the world around them.There are many opportunities for advancement in Sea Scouts. Included are the trails to Eagle and Quartermaster. Each of these trails is a highlight experience, but each requires the Sea Scout to set their own goals and follow through to achievement. The requirements for advancement were designed by Sea Scout youth to establish standards of performance for all Sea Scouts.

Sea Scout Advancement

Sea Scouts are recognized and rewarded for the things they learn and do. You can earn valuable certifications in SCUBA, boating safety, lifesaving, and CPR, as well as advance in rank from Apprentice to Quartermaster. Each certification and level of advancement marks your growth as a sailor and a leader.


Sea Scout Awards
  • Small Boat Handler
  • Qualified Seaman
  • Long Cruise Badge
  • Sea Scout Marksmanship Program
  • Sea Scout Leadership Award
  • America’s Boating Club Finley Sea Scout Service Award
  • National Outdoor Award

Comments, Questions, or Concerns.


The council staff will be working remotely and, as always, you can reach out the to

Please stay safe!

Due to inclement weather, the Firestone Scouting Resource Center and Valley Forge Scout Shop will be closed on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.