Eagle Scout Rank Application and Board of Review Process

Procedures for the Eagle Scout Rank
  1. Secure an Eagle Scout Rank Application and an Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.
  2. Read and follow all directions in the Service Project Workbook and on the Eagle Scout application. The Project Workbook has information to assist in selecting a project as well as detailed information on all aspects of the project.
  3. All requirements, including the Scoutmaster conference, must be completed prior to the candidate’s 18th birthday. Don’t overlook the fact that several of the merit badges that are required for Eagle have requirements that include 90 days of record keeping and performance. The Eagle Board of Review may occur after the candidate’s 18th
  4. Many units have a designated person to work with Eagle candidates (Eagle coach/advisor). It is your responsibility to initiate contact with this person and to maintain contact throughout the process.
  5. The Guide to Advancement, contains the official policies of the BSA regarding advancement. If in doubt on any issue, check this document. The guide is available at http://scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf . It is also available as an online document at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/guidetoadvancement.aspx
Service Project
  1. Only the official Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook is to be used. Information on how to download a fillable pdf is available at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/EagleWorkbookProcedures.aspx. The fields in the workbook will expand to accommodate additional text. The workbook provides several general sections: Contact Information; Project Proposal, Final Plan, Fundraising Application, and Project Report.
  2. Although adult participation is acceptable, the project must be under the direction and control of the Eagle candidate. Projects must conform to the wishes and requirements of those for whom the project is undertaken.
  3. The project should be complex enough to show the candidate’s skill in organizing the task, determining and scheduling manpower requirements, tools, and materials. For example, if a project included building several picnic tables, this could be broken down into a number of subtasks: selecting and purchasing lumber, cutting the wood, constructing the tables, painting and preserving the surfaces and possibly securing them to the ground. For each subtask, the candidate should demonstrate in writing what materials are required, what tools will be needed, how many man hours he estimates it will take. This exercise demonstrates that the candidate has thought through the project and knows just how he will carry it out.
  4. The project should be large enough to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to both plan the project and show leadership in its execution. There is no required minimum (or maximum) number of work hours. However, 100 work hours (including planning time) is a reasonable benchmark to consider. If the number of hours is significantly less than that, the complexity should be reviewed for appropriateness in demonstrating leadership; if significantly more, it should be reviewed to be sure it’s not too complex. All of the planning time should be logged and is part of the total time logged in the Eagle Project. Planning includes time in talking to experts, working with the project sponsor and just thinking through the project
  5. All activities in scouting should be conducted in a safe and prudent manner. BSA has prepared the Guide to Safe Scouting to help provide guidance. Your project must be conducted in accordance with the Guide to Safe Scouting available on scouting.org; there is also a link to it on the Life to Eagle section of the Advancement page on www.colbsa.org..
  6. It is recommended that the candidate keep the project workbook in a three-ring binder. This will help to keep the papers organized, and he can keep notes, letters, and other information regarding the project in the same binder. Note, however, that some districts have specific requirements/preferences which should be followed.
Eagle Application, Board of Review and Processing
  1. When the project has been completed and the required merit badges have been earned, the candidate, working with his unit leader or Eagle coach/advisor, must complete the application and the Service Project Workbook. Applications need not be typed, but must be legible. The application is available at http://scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-728_wb_fillable.pdf
  2. Pay attention to the details. Dates must include a month, day, and year. These are the dates the merit badge was completed the blue card signed, the board of review was completed, etc. These are not the dates of courts of honor or award presentations, but the actual dates you completed the badge, requirement or rank. Don’t leave any blanks unless a response is explicitly labeled as optional.
  3. The council’s advancement records should be checked using Internet Advancement, and any discrepancies between the Scout’s / unit’s records resolved before submitting the application.
  4. Verify information; provide references; sign the application (Scout, unit leader and unit chairman); review the Service Project Workbook for details (signatures and final report); forward the package (Including the application, the workbook, and the Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose) to the Council service center.
  5. If the Scout has already turned 18, the application package should be turned in within one month of the birthday to allow sufficient time for processing of the application by the Council and for scheduling the board of review. If the submission is delayed and the board of review will be held between three and six months of the birthday, the Council must preapprove it. After six months past the 18th birthday, the National Advancement Team must be petitioned, through the Council, to approve the board of review. Therefore, if the package is turned in more than 60 days past the 18th birthday, a letter from the candidate, his parent or guardian, the unit leader, or a unit committee member must be included with the application explaining why it is being handed in late.
  6. If the district requires that the candidate request letters from the references, the Eagle Reference Letters Policy, available on the website, must be followed. Letters should not be delivered to the Council service center.
  7. Council service center staff personnel will review the package for completeness and accuracy and forward the package to the district Eagle board of review chairman. The candidate will then be invited to a board of review.
  8. A unit leader (normally the Scoutmaster) introduces the Scout to the board of review, but does not otherwise participate. The candidate is examined in terms of his Scouting history, merit badges earned, Scout Spirit and his interpretation of the Scout Oath and Law. He will be asked to describe his project to the Board who will question him on his experience. The Board is interested in what the Scout learned and the leadership demonstrated in fulfilling the tasks through the labor of others. He will not be asked to repeat his knowledge of requirements for a particular rank or merit badge.
  9. Following approval by the board of review, the application is returned to the council service center. The application is signed by the Scout Executive and information is forwarded to National. Eagle service project material will be returned to the Scout at his board of review.
  10. After the board of review, allow two to four weeks for documentation to clear through National.
  11. The unit leader will be notified by mail to have a unit representative pick up the Eagle kit and certificates at the Council service center. (Cradle of Liberty Council has secured donations to cover the cost of Eagle Scout presentation materials.)
District Contatcts for Eagle Project Review and Board of Review questions and scheduling

Contact the person indicated for District-specific information related to having your Eagle Service Project Proposal approved or the Eagle Board of Review

How a Scout requests this limited, one-time Eagle Scout extension

The Scout informs an adult leader of his or her request.

Like everything in Scouts BSA, this process is youth-led.

The Scout, who is a new member of a Scouts BSA troop, informs one or more of the following adults that he or she is requesting an extension:

  • Scoutmaster
  • Unit committee chair
  • Chartered organization representative
  • Unit advancement chair
  • District advancement chair

Comments, Questions, or Concerns.

 Email: advancement@colbsa.org

The council staff will be working remotely and, as always, you can reach out the to helpdesk@colbsa.org.

Please stay safe!

Due to inclement weather, the Firestone Scouting Resource Center and Valley Forge Scout Shop will be closed on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.